3 reasons why

Last week I posted an overview of coaching and now I want to share my 3 reasons to work with a coach.  


#1 It works


studies have found that working with a personal coach can have several positive outcomes.  In 2009, the International Coaching Federation commissioned a global coaching client study,[1]part of which looked at coaching results.  It’s reassuring that the top six results are often the reasons why people start working with a coach in the first place!  

These statistics are great; however, it is critical understand that coaching is extremely dynamic and outcomes depend on the commitment and authenticity of the client as well as the abilities of the coach.   

#2 You Need Community to Grow

When you enter into a coaching relationship, you are engaging a small but mighty community of two.  We are meant to be in community with each other.  Whether you believe we were divinely designed or a beautiful coincidence of evolutionour brains are wired for connection.  The emerging study of social baseline theory tells us that when we are in a challenging situation, the presence of another person calms our systems so that we use fewer somatic and emotional resources than if we manage the situation alone[2]


the main point is if you find yourself facing a challenge, working with another person you trust will make the challenge seem easier and you’ll be more likely to achieve your intended outcome.  




When things of value (think car, home, computer) need repairing, we turn to the experts and pay for their service.  If your career, direction, confidence, or spirit is in need of support, why do we put all our trust in close and loving amateurs (friends, family or mentors) instead of trained professionals?  You and your unique gifts have immeasurable value and your dreams about what your life could be are worth the investment.  I don’t have any science to back this one up, but my sincerest hope, if only for a brief moment, is that you know you are worth it. 


Next week I’ll be posting the third installment of this intro to coaching series about differentiating coaching, mentoring and consulting.  Talk to you then!



1. 2009 ICF Global Coaching Client Study

2. Social Baseline Theory: The Social Regulation of Risk and Effort